Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hill Repeats

March 31st

Hill repeats, or Avenue Hills, whatever you want to call it.  This is one of my favorite workouts.  It is hard, but fun, and I always feel great after.   The regular route is about 6 miles, but I needed to stretch in out a little to get eight total, so I just added a longer warm up, which was good because it was snowing outside, so I needed the extra time to get my body warm anyway.  

The Avenues is a nice area in SLC just east of the State Capital, and situated on the benches of the Wasatch Mountains.    The streets basically form a grid.  As you head north on the streets, they get steeper, as well as gradual elevation increase as you head east.   On this run I zig zag my way up to 11th Ave, pushing on the hills, and recovering on the flater East/West streets.   The traffic isn't very heavy on most streets, so it very easy to navigate without stops.

I started on E Street and South Temple.  Ran up to 2nd Ave and continued to O Street, then turned North on P street for the first hill push.  The hills get steeper as you go.   So when you are most tired you hit the steepest hills.   It seems like they get longer too, but I think that is just me being tired.  :)   Zigzig along the streets to 11th ave, which has nice bike lane to run in and curves down to the capital with traffic in one lane in one direction and a reserved lane for pedestrians and cyclists.  A little scenery to recover from the hills, and to get ready for stage 2.   After dropping down into Memory Grove, via stairs/path across from capital, then back up some stairs on 4th ave.  (Side note: This is where I grossed out a nicely dressed lady with umbrella with my snot rockets.)  :) Zigzagged my way back up to 11th ave.  This way seems even steeper.   Did I mention is was snowing the entire time? 

It was a good run.  Company would have been nice, it seems you push even harder when you have someone racing up the hill with you. I tried my best trying to simulate that alone, sometimes racing with the traffic.  I enjoyed the funny looks I got from the drivers as I smiled at them running hard up the hill in the snow. 

Above is a link to the route I did.   I invite anyone to come do it with me anytime.  Great hill training!

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