Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Why do I do it? People ask, and I respond, “I love it!” The following response seems to be, more often than not, you are crazy. Maybe I am. Is that bad? One friend said running is my drug. Perhaps! It is the healthiest drug I know of. I often refer to my runs as therapy. They always improve the day, make me feel better, elevate my mood, I could go on and on about the benefits. I don’t know many people who look forward to “therapy” like I do.


When on the bus for Top of Utah Marathon, one person commented, “All these people paid money to run, crazy.” He, being one of them. Why do we enter races? Is it to win; for most no! I hate when people ask me if I won a race, not because I didn’t, but because that is not my purpose. For me, it’s to say I did it, to improve myself, to see others do something I also love. Does that mean that I am not competitive? No, as I improve I always have higher expectations of placement, but my biggest competition is with myself. The satisfaction of crossing that finish line, pushing yourself to the limit, is hard to describe. The camaraderie at the finish line is humbling, the high fives, hugs, tears, joy, exhaustion, and disappointment, no matter what the feeling, there is always someone there that understands. You are never alone.


A new challenge, three events in one, and who doesn’t get emotional watching an Ironman on T.V.  I wanted that feeling to be more than just watching, I wanted to experience it. I haven’t done that Ironman or even a half, but I am a triathlete. One year ago I couldn’t say that. I never swam except for leisure, and I didn’t even own a bike. I wanted to be able to tell myself I at least tried it. I didn’t know how much I would like it. It is purely the challenge, and the people. They just want to help you succeed and love the sport like they do. I respect the Ironman finishers more than ever, but I also know someday I will be one. The cross training has improved my running, so that is a nice benefit. I still don’t love swimming, but slowly getting better at it, cycling is fun, but hard, especially those hills. I dread them as they approach, but smile when I reach the crest. On race day you are blown away by the amazing athlete with the beautiful bike, and cheer for the person finishing last, they finished!

So, when I post a run time, my pace, how many miles, or laps I swam, I am not bragging, I am simply sharing my joy. I am proud, and I love it. What better way to stay healthy, and to enjoy nature, the city, the outdoors, another benefit that I haven’t mentioned. It brings a smile to my face, something that was missing for a long time, and I promised myself not to lose ever again.


  1. Love your reasons for the 'Why?'!!!

  2. Yes, well written Karie. Looks like you've got some great races for this year, and are already putting in some killer training for Ogden. I'm excited to see what you can do up there!
